Wharf Slums

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Gwaldors Interactive Guide to Ocean Deep

The Wharf Slums are the North Eastern suburbs of Ocean Deep. It is a hive of scum and villainy on the Mistywine River. This is where most illicit goods pass into and out of the ocean harbor. One can find just about anything if ones gold is solid. Rat infested warrens and trash strewn alleys hide both danger and intrigue. Any one who ventures into the dark gloom of the slums at night is an adventurous type indeed.

The Wharf Slums of Ocean Deep are a sprawling maze of ramshackle buildings, narrow alleys, and winding streets. It’s a place where people go when they have nowhere else to turn, a place where the poor and the desperate eke out a living in the shadows of the city’s towering spires.

The buildings here are made of wood and stone, and they look like they could collapse at any moment. Most of them are two or three stories tall, with cramped living quarters on the upper floors and shops and stalls on the ground level. The roofs are made of corrugated metal, rusted and pitted with age, and they sag under the weight of old furniture, discarded tools, and other detritus.

The streets are narrow and winding, and they’re lined with makeshift stalls selling everything from cheap trinkets to stolen goods. People wander through the alleys, hawking their wares or begging for spare change. The smell of sewage and rotting garbage permeates the air, and the sounds of shouting, laughter, and barking dogs fill the ears.

Despite the squalor and poverty of the Wharf Slums, there is a sense of community here. People look out for each other, and there are those who are willing to lend a helping hand when times are tough. But there is also danger lurking in the shadows – thieves, cutthroats, and other unsavory characters who prey on the weak and vulnerable.