Ocean Deep

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Gwaldors Interactive Guide to Ocean Deep

Ocean Deep

Ocean Deep is a major Human trading port on the Sea of Storms. It is the busiest port on the Thumb Peninsula. The suburbs of the great city eventually reach north. Along the Misty Wine river. eventually reaching the Wharf Slums. The majority of goods manufactured on the thumb continent pass through the great port city. Hardened ceramic from the Orcs, Iron wood timber from the elves and any number of other goods flow through Ocean Deep on any given day. Standing mightily over the Misty Wine river and towering above the Sea of Storms. The great spires of the greatest human city known beckon travelers and traders from afar. One can see individuals of all races going about their business here. Orcs with sturdy wagons of hardened ceramics, pulled by Waste Beasts. Elvan Beggers soliciting for coppers. Wealthy Dwarvez Buying luxury wares. Ocean Deep is a bustling port city by day. A den of thieves at night. The greatest Human city on the continent has many secrets and adventures to be found. Along with much gold to be made.

The great human city is situated at the mouth of the Misty Wine River, with its suburbs stretching out along its banks to the north. The river flows into the Sea of Storms, a vast body of water that stretches out to the horizon in all directions.

From above, the city looks like a maze of streets and buildings, with the largest structures standing tall above the rest. The grandest of these structures is the Great Citadel, a massive fortress that stands on a hill overlooking the city. The Citadel’s walls are high and thick, with towers and battlements at regular intervals. The flag of the Human Empire flies from its highest tower, indicating that this is the seat of power for the entire region.

To the east of the Citadel lies the Market District, a sprawling collection of stalls and shops selling all manner of goods. The district is packed with people at all times of day, with merchants shouting out their prices and customers haggling for the best deals. The Market District is surrounded by the bustling streets of the Inner City, where the city’s wealthier citizens reside in opulent homes and palaces.

To the west of the Citadel lies the Wharf Slums, a seedy district where the city’s less fortunate residents live in squalor. The streets here are narrow and winding, with ramshackle buildings leaning precariously against one another. Despite the poverty and desperation that pervades the area, the Wharf Slums are home to a thriving criminal underworld, with thieves and cutthroats operating openly in the shadows.

Beyond the Wharf Slums lies the expansive port, with dozens of ships of all shapes and sizes docked at its many piers. The sea itself is a churning mass of waves and foam, with ships battling against the wind and the tides to make their way in and out of the harbor